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Health and Wellness Advice

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Top 10 tips to manage your hayfever

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Top 10 tips to manage your hayfever


Hayfever can be debilitating as it can affect your work, social life, sleep quality and so on. These symptoms can worsen particularly during spring and summer, making these seasons unbearable. To help you and your loved ones better cope through hayfever, we have created the following top 10 tips to help you manage hayfever during these months


1. Close your windows: This may seem obvious but by closing your windows you can keep pollen out by having a physical barrier. It is recommended to stay indoors when possible during pollen seasons, particularly during rainy days or thunderstorms.


2. Wear glasses: Did you know that wearing glasses or sunglasses outdoors can reduce your pollen exposure to your eyes? So before heading out, put on a pair of sunglasses that can wrap around your face and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.


3. Change your clothing when coming home: Pollen, dust, and pet allergens can be carried on your clothes. So when you get home, change to a new set of clothes.


4. Take antihistamines and hayfever medications regularly


5. Petroleum Jelly: This is another name for your household vaseline. It acts as a barrier when applied to the skin. We recommend you apply a small film inside your nostrils daily to act as a barrier to minimise pollen exposure through your sinuses


6. Dust-mite minimisation: House dust mites are the most common allergen source in humid areas such as coastal cities and towns. Inland dry areas are less affected, however for anyone affected by hayfever and allergies, we recommend the following 4 strategies to minimise dust mites at home:


1) Wash sheets, pillowcases and other bedding weekly in hot water (>60̊C);

2) Cover the mattress, pillow, and quilt with dust mite resistant covers;

3) Remove sheepskins or woolen underlays from the bed and bedroom;

4)Remove all soft toys from the bedroom.


7. Monitor pollen count: If you live in a metropolitan city, check the daily pollen count in your city through various websites and apps - you can find them at . This way you can preempt before going outside. 


8. Quit smoking: If you smoke, we know this sounds like a broken record but smoking can make your hayfever and allergies worse. So this is another reason for quitting smoking. We know it isn't easy but there are several proven ways to quit. If you haven't already, you can try some nicotine replacement therapy or start by calling Quitline on 13 7848 


9. Reduce pet allergens : Being exposed to pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses etc) can trigger allergic reactions in some people, and are a significant source of allergens in many homes. Regular bathing of your pets can help, and removing them from bedrooms can also help, and finally, would be to keep your pets outdoor - we understand this can be emotionally difficult, and a decision only the pet owner can make.


10. Reduce stress: Try to reduce stress as it has been proven to worsen the symptoms of hayfever and other allergies. The mechanism behind this is unknown, but we know proven ways to reduce stress including meditation, sleep, regular exercise, and healthy eating.

Posted at 21 December 20